Department of English Language and Culture
The Department of English Language and Culture strives to attain two goals. One is to foster the practical linguistic competence that is essential in terms of communicating with other inhabitants of our modern “global village”. The other is to cultivate a deep understanding of the rich and varied cultures of the English-speaking societies, and ultimately to acquire a broad and balanced view of today’s world.
To achieve these goals, the first- and second-year students are drilled in the four basic skills of reading, listening, speaking, and writing in a small class environment under the tutelage of native speakers of English.
During the third and fourth years, we provide various programs whose aim is to give the students a chance not only to develop their skills further but also to meet new intellectual challenges in four elective fields, namely, literature, linguistics, communication, and comprehensive studies. By specializing in these academic disciplines, each individual student is expected to acquire a deeper understanding of the cultures, politics, religions, and histories of the English-speaking world. This knowledge will enhance the students’ ability to comprehend the world around them with unbiased eyes, enabling them to take a positive stance in addressing the difficult issues that surround us today.
Finally, but not least, we encourage our students to take classes offered by other departments in the Faculty of Humanities in order to widen their perspectives through experiencing academic disciplines not necessarily related to English.